Thursday, June 25, 2015

Things I Love Thursday!

I love reading posts all about what people are currently up to, what they're loving and just generally creeping on the products people use! I am a huge "product junkie" and love experimenting with different make-up, office supplies, clothing, etc. So I've decided to start a weekly Things I Love Thursday post to share what I'm currently into. So here goes...

This wrist mala! I wear it every single day and it is a perfect mindfulness reminder.
This awesome Moleskine planner. For some reason it's not currently available
on their website but I found it at Barnes and Noble. It's the perfect balance
between future planning and structure and flexibility with all the blank space!
This book! So good! I've been meditating daily for a couple months now but always
following guided meditations. I really wanted to get into the practice of meditating on my
own and this book has given me tons of ideas and inspiration to do just that.
My new Timbuk2 messenger bag! This picture doesn't do the color justice. I love
it! This is the extra small size and a teensy bit smaller than I would really like but
getting a smaller bag than usual has helped me empty my daily bag of all but the essentials.  

Last but not least, this Urban Decay lipstick. If you can't see, the
color is Sheer F-Bomb and it is the perfect red for day-to-day

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Secrets of a Bookseller

I have been working in a bookstore for just about a month now. In some ways it is even better than I imagined. But in other ways, it isn't quite as wonderful as I had pictured. I am by no means an expert, but here are a few "secrets" I have learned over the past four weeks.

My current TBR pile!
  1. We want you to ask us questions! A lot of people seem embarrassed to ask for help finding books. There is no reason to be! The whole reason I have a job is so that I can help you and trust me, we have the strangest displays so finding books on your own can be tricky. Ask us where to find things. Ask us for recommendations. Ask us what we are currently reading!
  2. We want to discuss books with you. This is related to the first one, but we actually do want to talk to you. So many retailers are focused on getting people out the door as quickly as possible and if you're in a rush I'm happy to do that. But I also love talking to and connecting with my customers. I want to hear your opinions on books and which books are on your TBR list. I want to hear what book you're trying to convince your middle schooler to read. I even want to hear about your day! Don't be afraid to treat your customer service rep or cashier like a real person. 
  3. Slow days are torture. Seriously. There is nothing worse then a slow day with no projects to work on. Literally all I want to do is go curl up in a corner and dig into a new book. 
  4. Straightening and dusting is oddly therapeutic. I used to work in a convenience store so straightening up at the end of the night was so frustratingly dull. Now I love it! I love wandering the aisles making everything look nice, keeping the shelves clean and organizing the books. It is very calming. With that being said, I hate picking up after disrespectful customers. Please don't leave your romance novels in the kids section or throw books on the floor!
  5. Not everyone who works in a book store is a book person. I was surprised to learn this! I thought everyone would be as in love with reading as I am. But like I mentioned above, don't be afraid to ask questions, ask around and find someone you can connect with who can make awesome recommendations just for you!
  6. We understand that on-line shopping is frequently "better". Trust me, I understand that Amazon has amazing deals and that on-line shopping is super convenient. But I personally can't resist buying a book when I walk into a bookstore. Nothing beats the feel of real books in your hand or getting personalized face-to-face customer service and recommendations. 
So what's your favorite bookstore and why? Have you ever thought about working in a bookstore?

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Simple Steps to a Healthy, Happy Life

My husband and I recently moved to a new state...I had never even visited our new town before the move and he had only been here once during a job interview. I have to admit, it has been a lonely transition. We left all of our family and a majority of our close friends behind in our hometown. We said goodbye to familiar places and a lot of happy memories. I said goodbye to a tight-knit staff at my previous job and started working at a big retailer where it seems cliques are already formed or drama is always unfolding. I work less than my husband and find myself spending many hours home alone which led to some unhealthy habits.

Hours sitting around watching TV. Pouring that glass of wine a few minutes earlier each day to help pass the time. Eating tons of junk or going out for fast food just to get out of the house. Not talking to anyone besides my husband for days at a time.

I realized I needed to get out of this rut and that there were tons of things I could be doing to lead a more fulfilled, less lonely, happier and healthier life. So here goes...

Simple Steps to a Healthy, Happy Life: 

  1. No Alcohol before 5:00
    1. No Shots. Ever!
    2. Stick to wine (or tequila for special days)
    3. Only two drinks at a time
  2. Get outside. Ever. Single. Day.
  3. Say "Hello" to someone besides the hubby every day
    1. On-line interactions count if it's a genuine, heartfelt greeting!
  4. Just say "no" to energy drinks and "yes" to tea
  5. Move your butt every day
    1. Aim for 10,000 steps (at least 5,000 on a day off)
    2. At least try to work up a sweat!
  6. Pay attention to fit and feel, not numbers (in regards to clothing)
  7. Always wear red lipstick and mascara
  8. Follow the 80/20 food rule
    1. Eat at home whenever possible
    2. Have a drink or dessert. Not both.
  9. Stick to a morning and bedtime routine as much as possible
  10. Practice mindfulness, gratitude and meditation. 
These are the rules that help me maintain a healthy, happy and balanced life. If you relate to them, that's wonderful! But these aren't hard and fast rules. Everyone feels a little different so feel free to adjust them to your taste.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

6 Things I've Learned in 6 Months of Marriage

Hello all! Last week Sam and I celebrated 6 months of marriage! It is hard to believe that we have been married for half a year already. It seems like just yesterday we were frantically putting the finishing touches on wedding decorations and preparing to say "I do".

On our anniversary, I wrote Sam a list of 6 things I have learned over the past 6 months and he loved it so much he asked me to share it with everyone else. So here goes!

6 Things I've Learned in 6 Months of Marriage (plus a bonus!)

  1. Honesty is everything. We have had a lot of ups and downs in the honesty department over our 6-month marriage and I think we are both starting to fully understand how vital honestly is to a relationship. Marriage is all about mutual support, being a rock for one another and being able to hold each other up during the good and bad moments in life. Without honesty that rock becomes a bit rocky (pun intended).
  2. Communication is key and so is happy silence. I supposed this piggy backs off of the honesty thing, but talking is so important! I love that moments when we are so comfy curled up in bed together but not tired yet so we just talk about everything and anything. I know we will have a long and happy relationship if we can continue to enjoy each others company and conversation. But the flip side of that is being able to just sit and read together or spend a couple quiet minutes cuddling. I love those moments of togetherness that don't need to be filled with noise or chatter.
  3. Say I love you every single day. It seems silly but some days go by and I can't remember if I've kissed Sam or really looked at him and told him how much I love him. This is definitely going to be a big priority for me going forward. Those little gestures and daily reminders really add up. 
  4. Make the most of small moments. Big dates are wonderful but I love the small moments we spend together. Going to the gym. Buying groceries. Sharing a home cooked meal. Talking over lunch. Life isn't always easy and big things aren't always realistic. But with little moments I know our love can continue to thrive.
  5. Be thankful. I definitely tend to get on Sam about things he's doing wrong more than I praise him for everything he does right. Being thankful for him and reminding myself and him everyday of everything he does is so important. We are both so much happier when we are positive and thankful. And much more likely to change bad habits when we focus on the good!
  6. Play together! Nothing is better than a giant tickle fight or complete Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter geek on session. I love being married to someone I can be silly with and completely let loose around. I couldn't imagine being married to anyone else or having it any other way.
  7. Pay each other back but don't keep score. Basically, just be supportive. I supported Sam when he made the decision to leave Staples and he is supporting me in my current unemployment and journey to find my passion in life. Sometimes you give more and sometimes you take more. It can be hard and frustrating and exhausting at times. But it's worth it. Every second.
From junior prom to wedding day!
Special thanks to Simone Fox Photography for the bottom picture. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

23 Facts!

Hello! In honor of my 23rd birthday I decided it would be fun to make a list of 23 facts about me. This blog is relatively new so hopefully this will give you a chance to learn a little more about me.

  1. I have three cats!
  2. I absolutely love to write and would like to make a career of it but have no idea how. 
  3. I have a degree in social work. I am passionate about the field and the values of social work but I'm not entirely sure it is what I am "meant" to do, which has been confusing lately. 
  4. My favorite color is purple.
  5. I am a huge book worm! Put a book in my hands and I'll read it. 
  6. I would much rather spend a night at home with a good book, kittens and a cup of tea than go out drinking with a huge group of people. 
  7. I wish I could live in a hobbit hole.
  8. I used to dance and really miss it. 
  9. I love music and will listen to just about anything you suggest to me. 
  10. I actually kind of miss working in retail. 
  11. This is my favorite number!
  12. Fall is my favorite season; I adore the colorful leaves, crisp air, boots and leggings, apple cider, pumpkins... :) 
  13. Makeup is my favorite thing to splurge on even though I typically wear the same couple products day-to-day.
  14. I despise running but love going for long walks and hikes. 
  15. I've been married for almost 6 months to my best friend and the love of my life. I can't wait to see what adventures are ahead of us. 
  16. I have one tattoo at the moment but have three others planned. Just need the money to get them done. 
  17. I'm jealous of people who are super artistic. 
  18. I love to learn and actually kind of miss being in school. Although I dread going back to school for my masters degree!
  19. I enjoy crocheting.
  20. I desperately want to visit the Lord of the Rings set in New Zealand. And see New Zealand in general. 
  21. My favorite alcoholic beverage is margaritas. 
  22. I have a severe caffeine addiction so I gave up soda and energy drinks for four weeks. I'm going through a bit of withdraw right now!
  23. My favorite dishes to make are calzones and manicotti. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Book Review

Hi everyone! The hubby and I spent a wonderful weekend in Tennessee. We drove down to Knoxville to spend a couple days with his grandparents and planned to spend a day in Nashville catching up with our college friends. Unfortunately, snow and ice made the mountain roads a little sketchy so we had to forgo Nashville. But we had a ton of fun with his grandparents just hanging out, watching the Lady Vols and seeing the Knoxville symphony.

The long drive and snowy days provided me with a ton of time to plow through some books.

168 Hours: You Have More Time Thank You Think, by Laura Vanderkam 
     Overall I liked the concept of this book. Im a huge fan of goal setting and planning but there just never seems to be enough time to do everything that I want to do! This book presented a new way of looking at your time; in chunks of 168 hours or week-to-week. Thinking about how you only got 6 hours of sleep last night is discouraging. But realizing that you got 54 hours of sleep over the course of the week is way more encouraging. Or that 40 hours of work + 54 hours of sleep + 7 hours of cooking and cleaning = just 101 hours! That leaves 67 hours a week to do everything else you want. Definitely a fun way to think about your time. I still make daily schedules but I'm planning on analyzing my time use on a week to week basis and making adjustments to make the most of my time. I also love her suggestion to fill bits of time with joy.
     However, I mostly just skimmed this book because I often found it really annoying. This book is definitely geared towards working professionals, moms and people with money to spare. I found large sections of this book to be condescending; "Ignoring, minimizing or outsourcing" simply isn't possible for some people. I have spent the majority of my working life in jobs where I have no flexibility and can barely make ends meet let alone pay someone else to cook my meals or do my laundry.

The Billionaire's Christmas, by J.S. Scott 
     This was a super short story. I didn't realize that it's actually a part of a larger series. It was a fun, cheesy romance novel with a decent story. If you're looking for a silly love story you can read in a day or a fun beach read this would be a good one to pick up.

Wild, by Cheryl Strayed 
     This book has been sitting on my shelf for ages and I finally got around to reading it! I loved it! Cheryl is definitely an inspiration. Can you imagine being at complete rock bottom and just taking off for months of hiking all alone in order to find yourself? I loved reading about all the people she met on the trail and her struggle to keep going. I think that is something we can all relate to in our daily lives. I'm eager to see the movie adaptation of this book. I'm also looking forward to warmer weather so I can go for a nice weekend hiking adventure.

P.S. Did you notice the cute little cover my Kindle is sitting on in the above photo? Radio Shack is going out of business and having crazy sales so I scooped that case up for just $2! It is meant for an iPad mini so it's a bit big for my Kindle but I love that. I have space for my Kindle, a small notebook and a pen. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Book Review: Dark Places

I just finished reading "Dark Places" by Gillian Flynn. This was the first of Flynn's three novels and by far my favorite.

"Dark Places" tells the story of Libby Day who was the only witness to the vicious murders of her mother and two sisters. As a child, Libby reports that her brother Ben is the murderer but over two decades later she begins to question how accurate her memory of that night is. Libby begins a crusade to find the truth, meeting characters from the past and confronting her own demons.

I don't want to give away any spoilers but my problem with Flynn's novels is that her characters are so fucked up! I find it hard to relate to them and with the other two books I loved the unexpected endings but hated how bleak they were. With "Dark Places" I got the surprise ending but I also felt like there was better character resolution. People got what they deserved and Libby, I believe, is able to finally find some peace.

What do you think? Do you like really dark books or do you prefer more hopeful/light endings? Which Gillian Flynn novel is your favorite?

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Crochet Projects: What to skip and what to start!

Hello all! I have been having a ton of fun lately experimenting with different crochet projects; there have been a few hits and a few misses.

Miss: I saw this idea on Pinterest; adding a crochet border to a piece of fleece. It really wasn't worth the time or effort. The end result is cute but nothing special. Fleece does come in some fun themes though so it may be worthwhile if you find a pattern that is specific to a loved ones interests and just want to add a personal touch. I went around with a seem ripper and poked holes every half inch. Then I went around doing a single crochet in each hole with a chain between each one. That was followed by a row of single crochets, a row of double crochets, another single crochet and finally a ripple border. 

Hit: I have so many small balls of random yarn laying around so I started on this "scrap" blanket and I'm absolutely loving it. I love the random stripes in all different sizes and I love having something to do with all the bits and pieces of yarn I have. I plan to continue adding to this until I have a full size blanket. You can use any stitch you want with this project. I just did a big chain to the width I wanted and then all the rows are single crochets. I wanted something really small so that I can continue adding to it for awhile. I love how simple and mindless this is. I have been so stressed lately so it's nice to be able to just sit down and keep my hands busy; I really don't have to think too much about what I'm doing. 

Have you had any craft fails lately? Or come across any particularly fun projects? 

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Book Review: Sharp Objects

I just finished reading Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. I read (and saw) Gone Girl a couple months ago and loved the twist ending and was looking forward to another fast paced story.

I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about Sharp Objects. It was a good, creepy story. It certainly had an intriguing ending. But at the same time it was kind of shallow. The supporting characters and setting had no depth. It was like all these background characters were just pushed into these stereotypical molds and forgotten. This really rubbed me the wrong way. It's hard for me to really get into a story when you can barely imagine the setting or the color of all the supporting actors. If that makes sense!

I also hate stories that seem to have no hope or redeeming qualities. I don't expect everything to wrap up picture perfect but at the same time I want there to be some silver lining or optimist for the character. A chance at redemption or healing. Even if you don't get to see it happen during the story just having a hint of it can make all the difference. Our world is already filled with enough darkness so when I read a story I want to be able to see and believe that things can be better.

Overall if you're looking for a creepy fast read Sharp Objects would be a good pick. Just don't expect to walk away feeling happy or satisfied!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

When life throws you a curveball...

I graduated from college in December 2013. Since then I accepted a horrible per diem job which I ended up leaving. After that experience I went back to working at CVS. At the time it felt like a huge step back but it ended up being an amazing opportunity to get my feet back on the ground. Then in November I found what I thought was my dream job. Unfortunately when you join a growing company you run the risk of joining a company that has overstaffed and the dreaded "last to come first to leave" rule.

So as of today I find myself unemployed.

I am about to turn twenty three, married, living with my parents, and unemployed. I'll have to start dipping into the money I worked so hard to start saving up.

I feel so defeated. I feel like a failure. I feel like I have no idea where I went wrong or where I am supposed to go from here. I'm just hoping the right path opens up for me soon.

When I told my dad he said, "Lots of stuff to think about and consider. Be sad and grumpy and pissed off for a bit, then start thinking about smart next steps".

So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to have an epic pity party and enjoy an awesome lunch today followed by a giant glass of wine tonight. Then I'm going to move on. In some ways this is a blessing. My husband and I are young and now we have the opportunity to move wherever we want and wherever life takes us. So I'm going to make the most of it. I am going to apply for jobs that are really a good fit for me. I'm going to finally get through the pile of books I've been meaning to read for ages. I am going to finally start blogging for fun; sharing book reviews, journaling ideas, job hunting experiences, etc.

Thank you for reading and good look with your own life journeys!