On our anniversary, I wrote Sam a list of 6 things I have learned over the past 6 months and he loved it so much he asked me to share it with everyone else. So here goes!
6 Things I've Learned in 6 Months of Marriage (plus a bonus!)
- Honesty is everything. We have had a lot of ups and downs in the honesty department over our 6-month marriage and I think we are both starting to fully understand how vital honestly is to a relationship. Marriage is all about mutual support, being a rock for one another and being able to hold each other up during the good and bad moments in life. Without honesty that rock becomes a bit rocky (pun intended).
- Communication is key and so is happy silence. I supposed this piggy backs off of the honesty thing, but talking is so important! I love that moments when we are so comfy curled up in bed together but not tired yet so we just talk about everything and anything. I know we will have a long and happy relationship if we can continue to enjoy each others company and conversation. But the flip side of that is being able to just sit and read together or spend a couple quiet minutes cuddling. I love those moments of togetherness that don't need to be filled with noise or chatter.
- Say I love you every single day. It seems silly but some days go by and I can't remember if I've kissed Sam or really looked at him and told him how much I love him. This is definitely going to be a big priority for me going forward. Those little gestures and daily reminders really add up.
- Make the most of small moments. Big dates are wonderful but I love the small moments we spend together. Going to the gym. Buying groceries. Sharing a home cooked meal. Talking over lunch. Life isn't always easy and big things aren't always realistic. But with little moments I know our love can continue to thrive.
- Be thankful. I definitely tend to get on Sam about things he's doing wrong more than I praise him for everything he does right. Being thankful for him and reminding myself and him everyday of everything he does is so important. We are both so much happier when we are positive and thankful. And much more likely to change bad habits when we focus on the good!
- Play together! Nothing is better than a giant tickle fight or complete Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter geek on session. I love being married to someone I can be silly with and completely let loose around. I couldn't imagine being married to anyone else or having it any other way.
- Pay each other back but don't keep score. Basically, just be supportive. I supported Sam when he made the decision to leave Staples and he is supporting me in my current unemployment and journey to find my passion in life. Sometimes you give more and sometimes you take more. It can be hard and frustrating and exhausting at times. But it's worth it. Every second.
From junior prom to wedding day! Special thanks to Simone Fox Photography for the bottom picture. |
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